The Capt.'s Thoughts on Structure & Conformation

"The judgement of the body build naturally cannot include the mental capacities; it must, however, see that those external forms are retained which allow for a sound and favorable development of those parts which form the seat of those mental abilities."

"The judging of the dog should throw light on his external features, his physical fitness for work and for breeding, and at the same time, should inform us about the external recognisable characteristics of the foundations of his nature.."

"A good judge must know the anatomy of the body and the science of breeding thoroughly well and must be fully capable of determining the nature and duties of the breed."

"(The Judge) must be free of that narrowness of mind that confines itself (merely) to the discovery of failings or in biassed preference to physical 'beauty', and remind himself his sole duty is to serve the interests of the breed, to secure sound conditions for keeping the dogs, to promote their progress in breeding excellence and efficiency, and must not be influenced by ambition or greed of individuals or the ill-directed whim of the market."

"(The Judge) must not be distracted by the shrieks of the crowd, but must be reliable in his judgement. He must be able to balance the good against the defects, and finally, he must decide exactly how far the former are a compensation toward the latter in the interests of efficiency."

"The Shepherd dog is a service dog & must be bred as a service dog AND must only be judged as a service dog. With service dogs, suitability ranks higher than beauty: indeed their real beauty and their only nobility consist in their complete adaptability in the arrangement, balancing and coalescence of each & every part."

"The basis of the judgement must be the service which is demanded of the dog: shy, weak-nerved animals are to be marked as injurious to the breed, even as over-bred dogs (oversize) are not true to breed type. In addition: a good shepherd expression, a lively disposition, a long well-knit body suitably proportioned for service, not spongy or bulky, whose form guarantees a stretching out & swift gait, with powers of endurance are among the first qualifications. In the case of bitches, solidity is preferred to beauty...oversize or bitch-like dogs and the fading of color coat are injurious from the point of view of breeding & are to be marked accordingly. Defects in body-build and gait, teeth, jaw, head, ears, tail, haircoat, general coloring, and eye color may exercise an influence in marking. Short, stumpy tailed dogs, albinos are dismissed as harmful to the breed."

"Oversize and undersize do not carry the proper size/weight proportion and affects the strength available.."

"Exaggeration is bad in all circumstances."

"The coloring of the dog has no significance whatever for service; our shepherd dog accordingly is not bred for color...although it cannot be denied that a good pronounced coloring improves the general appearance made by the dog."

"So we see that all the points on which quick and enduring movement depend, well placed forelimbs, long withers, a suitably long but strong back, and again suitably formed hindquarters contribute to give the shepherd dog the desired stretched out appearance...a dog too short may have speed, but no endurance, he is then no service dog, and therefore, no shepherd dog."

"The shepherd dog, as a service dog, requires that efficient body build which is the guarantee of endurance, for he uses that gait with the flocks & other service work."

"When a thorough examination of the dog, while being held, has been concluded, there must be an investigation of his gait. This will supply the crucial test to decide the particular advantages or disadvantages in the body build..."

"The gait should be tested at a walk, trot & when dog is free...all of them are natural when free, and conclusions can then be drawn..."

"The gait must not be viewed only sideways, but also from the front & rear."



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